Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Best surprise releases of last Friday

My weekly albums that I'm looking forward to (there will be a new entry tomorrow) just focus on full albums as I can't predict singles.  However, two great singles were released last week by musicians I'm a big fan of, so I want to shine a bit of a spotlight on them.

-Don't Call Me Angel: Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana del Rey; I saw a teaser for this on Miley's Facebook page, so I knew a new single was getting released and from the caricatures, it likely featured Ariana Grande, but I wasn't expecting a catchy earworm about being an independent woman.  It's fun and sexy and a good modern pop listen and even more, the full title of the single indicates this is a theme song to an upcoming movie.  The full title is "Don't Call Me Angel (Charlie's Angels)" and due to what the name meant, I wasn't sure if this was a TV show theme or for a new movie until I went to the movies on Saturday with a friend.  Yes, there's a new Charlie's Angels movie coming out on November 1st.  I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to see it though, my highest priority movie for the rest of the year is Frozen II and it wasn't advertised before the movie I saw, so I didn't see any footage.  I did see a teaser for the next DCEU film, Birds of Prey, which will feature the return of the character Harley Quinn, which I'm really looking forward to.

-What's My Name: Ringo Starr; Some people at 79 would decide to go home and retire to a tranquil, uncomplicated life.  Others release the first single of their new album, due out in late October.  The fun part of this song is Ringo listing his many accomplishments, leading into a chorus of him asking "What's My Name?" answered with a crowd or backing singers replying "Ringo!"  It's honestly amazing that he's still releasing music and really fun music that you want to keep playing and make you look forward to a full ten-track album featuring him singing and drumming.  In the world of music, one Starr shines the brightest.

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