Don't think just because I said "Edelgard, Annette and Rise Kujikawa are my three main comfort characters" I'm immune when someone messes with someone who's not Tara, Abby and Laura. You steal from Xanthe and Erika, it's like hearing you assaulted two kind women, because you did. AI doesn't hit me as quietly as theft, more like assaulting someone until they couldn't fight back then using their card to rob their bank account and urinating on their body while they're still conscious. That is the disrespect you're showing voice actors. American society is being re-written by the fascists that women only exist to make children and if they refuse you, "Mr. Manly," something's wrong with them and they need to be "beaten into their place." I'm seeing it every day in AI and how DeviantArt treats Gal and Amber. Hate speech is not free speech and using people's image or voice to show dominance over them as the Internet does REGULARLY, will not be tolerated and you should end up in prison for life for doing this so callously. This is irreligious, this is mostly misogyny and "control" mixed with some idiot notion that "manliness" means you breed with every woman and if they refuse you, you assault them, humiliate them and murder them in public!
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