Thursday, July 2, 2020

Frank thoughts in July

There's nothing too spectacular getting released this week, but I have to vent something.  I frankly think Joe Biden doesn't stand a chance of winning this election.  I wouldn't be surprised if the red and blue map of this country resembles the one from the 1984 election, in all honesty.  Trump supporters live all around and in my apartment, grumpy old men with red hats and stickers saying the racist phrase "All Lives Matter."  Of course, if you were ask them what they think about the LGBTQ+ community, they'd say it needs to be genocided out of existence, which is what will happen in the second term and every member of a reconciling congregation will have to go to the death camps to endure a life of torture with them or lose their place in the hereafter. 

I just spent the last eight years of my life on a deplorable website called DeviantArt, a website full of nothing but peer pressure.  They wouldn't let me do anything I wanted without punishment or unbearable consequences.  Only a few of my posts were liked at all, what they wanted was for me to be a request slave.  I at first thought I needed to fill these as a religious person, but they were spoiled brats who demanded an endless list of stupid junk I don't feel like elaborating on. 

Then 2016 hit.

Racism and homophobia went from being a puny minority on the website into an army of NeoNazi Trump fanatics, giving me death threats for being an LGBTQ+ rights supporter, denying my any praise for my stories about lesbians aside from a small few praises from actual lesbians, which wasn't enough to undo the damage they wrought with their sheer hatred.  The only time they'd let me have more praise was if the story descended into pornography, mind you, the sex was only between married couples, but pornography means "public fornication," so it's still wrong to let that on any website.  One suggested story for art trades, only it became clear he wasn't planning on fulfilling his end of the bargain after a few times, effectively cheating free stories, requests, out of me.  I tried writing stories about LGBTQ+ people with them not being seen as strange, fantastic beings or demons, just the ordinary people they are, and the majority of users rejected me, I would get no praise or comments, save some hate comments.  They also told me what I should like and dislike.

For the first time in my eight years, people were telling me what to do with my life outside of the website.  They told me to restart Fire Emblem; Three Houses on a different route, purely because they despised Edelgard.  The Black Eagles Support Ranks, plus the units I've recruited (Leonie, Lysithea, Shamir and Manuela) make the force seem less like a military group or political group and more like a family.  I felt like I was part of a compassionate family that cared about my right to decide for myself, no pressure to do something I didn't want to do.  So I chose freedom, but this experience, to me, shows what is at the heart of this country; selfishness, stupidity, racism and homophobia.  And that's not going away, it's only been rewarded by the devil and his puppets in this administration.  So these people will ignore the warnings of COVID, ignore the chance to be compassionate to their brothers and sisters and neighbors and re-elect the monster currently residing in the White House.  Democracy is doomed and we are going full-speed towards a Nazi Dictatorship that will call itself a theocracy and genocide. 

I ask everyone reading this to vote for Joe Biden.  He is our last chance at preserving liberty in this country, otherwise, there will be no more elections, there will just be fanatical murder in the name of Trump.

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