Friday, June 23, 2023

The Weight

 I wish I could plug myself into Three Houses and spend forever singing and eating with Edelgard and Annette.  There’s just so much hate and so little calm.  Peace feels like it’s gone for good; the second-largest political party in this country has made punishment their M.O., I get the feeling they’re planning a homophobic and transphobic genocide next time they get the White House.  Only Tara Platt’s calm and Abby Trott’s exuberance keep me from collapsing into total despair, because nothing we say, no truth, no evidence, no proof reaches their ears because they have wrapped themselves in a shell of rigid, extremist interpretations of scripture, making them kill their kindness and replace it with a spirit of punishing the weak and defenseless, dragging their names through the mud and brutally silencing and ending them.  If you told me the current Republican politicians killed Kurt Cobain and did 9/11 and the Pulse Nightclub shooting, using suicide, al Qaeda, ISIS and even Bush as patsies to pin their crimes on, I’d believe you without question.  They have nothing but contempt for the LGBTQ+ community and their allies and blame them for every terrorist attack and natural disaster.  They seek to execute Biden and Harris, pardon Trump and then begin a genocide that will outdo the Holocaust and be on par with the extermination of Native Americans and slaves done by their ancestors.  The only way to stop them and end these attempts at madness is with bipartisan support, and we’ve lost that for good, so we have to outlive them and they will all likely have lengthy lives.  I don’t want to spend my next 40 years losing friends and fighting extreme fascists who beat you in the face with Leviticus 20:13 at every Pride Parade and any Church service they please.  Yes, even GSUMC’s current building is not safe.  I’m so wiped out and sad.

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