Wednesday, January 29, 2025

My catastrophic thinking is out of control

     I am not taking these last 9 days well.  It is clear to me, as well, this is not going to stop in 2028, since a Tennessee Congressman introduced an amendment to grant him a third term, probably without him needing to win an election to ensure him in his current role as long as possible.  I foresee this is going to be a life term, and the Fox News Confederates raised on Rush Limbaugh and all the stuff Reagan permitted with trickle-down economics and getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine will cheer gleefully.  I heard a sample of my nearby neighbor's far-right news and they are presenting it as though everything Democrat, everything "Woke," is satanic and pagan and Trump is the only one who can restore sanity because we are out of control and ruining America.  They will never regret their decision, they will see it as the right thing forever, even as they burn in Hell for eternity.  I am honestly hoping either a coalition of nations carpet-bombs the USA into oblivion or that someone steals "the Football," gives it to Canada or China and turns the US into a crater at the bottom of the ocean, killing everyone in it because even the good Americans can't stop their children from turning evil as the Nazis raise them to be heartless, racist, homophobic and xenophobic.  Might as well look at my nephew and know he will turn into a soldier that turns his parents and I in to an "Auschwitz is a 5-star resort compared to this" death camp!  They took away Medicare and I have a doctor's appointment next week and a counselor's appointment today, do I just miss them and die?!  DEATH TO AMERICA!  DEATH TO ITS POPULACE!  DEATH, JUSTICE FOR HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI!  JUSTICE FOR THE CHINESE CHILDREN IN SWEATSHOPS!  JUSTICE FOR THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY!  JUSTICE FOR THE AFRICAN-AMERICANS!  DEATH TO THE WAR PIGS!  THEY'RE NOT HUMAN, THEY ARE THE SPAWN OF SATAN, MURDERING THEM IS JUSTIFIED!  KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

    I said that last one in the shower last night, and started crying.  It's a line from King Dimitri from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, when he's ready to commit genocide against Adrestia because he's not well, he's seeing ghosts and he feels betrayed by a childhood friend.  He is a traditionalist and his nation has a state religion.  Adrestia is ruled by Emperor Edelgard, who I've talked about quite a bit.  She has been catharsis for all this madness in the past, she is a revolutionary against a theocratic dictator, who kills people for not liking her and has installed a system that leaves many without.  She suffers from depression from being tortured in "experiments" caused by an organization that seems to take inspiration from Nazis and especially Joseph Mengele, treating people as test subjects to experimental surgeries just to see what happens and not caring if their "subjects" live.  One of the best parts of the spin-off, Three Hopes, is that in the Final Battle, you can strike their leader as Edelgard with an axe repeatedly.  I feel the game's fandom has a lot of very aggressively opinionated people due to somewhat mirroring the current political climate.  I may be one, because I refuse to leave Edelgard's catharsis of striking down people who remind me of every bully I've ever met and suffered from.  But Dimitri is not one of them, she almost cries after killing him and suggests earlier he was her first love.  I don't want to succumb to anger, but it feels like I have to in response to all the evil.

    I've been listening a lot to Brandi Carlile, Miley Cyrus, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac and things of that calm, folk rock nature these days.  My first NHL game is tomorrow, as well, which will be a nice distraction.  I am hopeful the Mariners won't cave to Executive Branch pressure and still have Pride Night and African-American Heritage Night at the games I'm going to in June, though I keep imagining a declaration that all Pride and Juneteenth celebrations will be prosecuted with mass arrests and beatings.  Right now hurts and future hope seems dim because of the overreach they're doing.  I would stop going to Amazon if they weren't the only place I know that has Yang and Blake necklaces and a bumper sticker of Edelgard with a lesbian flag.  I could try eBay, but I always feel highly stressed there, because you're not looking for something specific, you have a general parameter and you want something in there in your budget.  It did net me my Edelgard plush and my Mitsuru and Yosuke mini-figurines, but I can't imagine using it for everything, especially not shopping for Mom, my Brother and my Sister-In-Law.  I honestly am not sure if Bob Ferguson is doing anything based on his promise that Project 2025 would not hit Washington State.

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