Saturday, May 1, 2021

Rant about the current state of America and American Society/Culture

 I can’t cope with how racist, sexist, homophobic and xenophobic our culture and society are.  It’s deep-rooted anti-Christ attitudes that permit people to get away with abusing their spouse or committing sexual assault because they’re white, male and straight.  It’s pathetic, we fought the Nazis to prevent their attitude from going worldwide, we opposed Stalin for his murderous rhetoric and less than 100 years later, we adopt these very attitudes like never before against women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latin Americans, Middle Easterners (especially Islamic ones) and the LGBTQ+ community.  We are one more bad election away from full-blown genocide of ideals and people who are not white, straight, hyper-conservative and male and those who worship them.  The Republicans opened Pandora’s Box and now refuse to be civil, battering you about online because you believe in provable reality while they absorb blatant lies and fabrications from a morbidly obese hyperactive Neo-Nazi who claims to be the Second Coming of Jesus.  They’ve dragged the worldwide community of Christianity so deep into the mire it doesn’t look like it will be ever freed as they fund tyrants in Africa who will murder you because you love someone of the same gender as yourself.  And every single damn time you try to question their behavior or insist their behavior in un-Christlike, they just shut you out and call you a Satanist.  The nation is losing Faith in Jesus because of these unholy monsters who sink to unfathomable depths in the name of the first dictator of the United States and are scrounging funds all across the Confederacy and using politicians there to ensure he won’t be the last as they stride towards a Fascist Dictatorship they will call a “theocracy” to legitimize it to their mindless voters who just want to stab Planned Parenthood employees and LGBTQ+ people while waving picket signs outside reconciling congregations, secretly planning to get C4 or Molotov Cocktails to destroy the build in the name of their racist, sexist, homophobic idols.  They distort the truth discovered in legal trials to make the victim the aggressor and claim this is truth, and they are so numerous it may very well have become truth.  If enough people believe a lie over the truth, it becomes truth to the masses, it becomes more real than the truth itself and the truth is buried and forgotten.


Don’t believe me?  Here’s some test sentences that are “truths” to the masses:


-Miley Cyrus is a whore

-Donald Trump did nothing wrong

-Amber Heard beat Johnny Depp on a regular basis

-Pat Robertson and Sean Hannity are the only trustworthy people on TV

-Tara Platt voiced two irredeemably bitchy characters


Here’s the truth from my perspective:


-Miley Cyrus is a pansexual genderfluid person born a woman who likes sex like most men do

-Donald Trump is a liar, a murderer, a rapist and deserves at the very least a life sentence in prison

-Johnny Depp beat Amber Heard at least 12 times

-Robertson and Hannity are aggressively partisan homophobes who want to corrupt the body of Christ and nobody on TV is wholly trustworthy

-Edelgard and Mitsuru were the only ones in the group who took the problems they saw seriously enough to want to do anything to stop it, even if that meant crossing moral boundaries they ultimately didn’t want to and regretted afterwards


But these truths are ultimately meaningless, because I encounter almost nobody who believes them.  I encounter far more people who believe the first set of statements, to the point I have to censor myself in the name of keeping civility.  I wish I could aggressively lecture them on how this pattern of behavior has ruined our country by burying what’s real and provable in favor of what we WANT to believe because we are sexist, racist and homophobic.  It bothers me to no end how we give males a free pass for wrongful behavior but are all-too-eager to crucify women if they step out of line ever-so-slightly.  It’s not right and it’s certainly not how Jesus lived.  I am so mad at what our society has become and want to scream at it over and over again until it’s fixed.  XXXX THIS BULLXXXX!

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