Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Society vent

     Something I just had to let out, bad feelings causing me depression and anger:


I’m getting lots of support on Twitter for my rock and roll/metal opinions, as well as likes from voice actors I like, mostly Tara Platt (her name is actually pronounced Terra, like Earth, as revealed in her Halloween greeting with Yuri Lowenthal, who also likes my tweets from time to time), Abby Trott, Xanthe Huynh and Brittney Karbowski, and those times that Colleen Clinkenbeard and Colleen O’Shaughnessey liked my tweets mean a lot to me.  Despite that, the trending topics are wearing me down due to an image I saw where someone compared Miley Cyrus and Amber Heard to Osama bin Laden, listing them as 3 of his 10 least favorite famous people.  Because a pop singer and an actress accused of abuse (though making claims of abuse that, to me, seem too volatile and vulgar to be made up) are comparable to man who killed 3,000 people in one day and thought nothing of it.  That is the nature of the internet, where entertainers are considered worse than politicians, considered equal with mass-murderers and I think it’s only a matter of time before these lunatics make their own SEAL team 6 and raid Los Angeles, murdering actors, singers and directors in grotesque fashion to “purify America.”  Heck, the right-wing message right now encourages such behavior; “slaughter those you disagree with so there will be only one thought process in this nation, none other!”  And they’re gaining power day by day, they have the money, they have the power, if they lose now, they’ll just try again every two years until we’re too worn out and the impressionable younger generation puts them in charge forever! I worry I will lose the voice actors if they knew I've looked at cheesecake art of characters they've voiced/written cheesecake/softcore erotica about them if they're of age because I have no idea how to ask a girl out because she might be dating, married, engaged or a lesbian and that I will spend my days friendless, acquaintance-less and alone, being mocked and beaten with words until I die!


I honestly need a job, to stop staring at this screen that fills me with such paranoia.  I get loads of left-wing fundraising emails, tons of messages that just scream “WHERE ARE YOU?!  WHERE’S YOUR MONEY?!” when I can’t afford it because I’m spending it on self-care, presents and/or food.  Meanwhile, the internet teaches us to mock those who suffered sexual assault and say “how were you dressed, maybe you subconsciously wanted it,” so the men are absolved of all blame and go on to be President, Supreme Court Justice, Oscar-Winning Actor or Kicker of a Pro football team.  We are too poor to make a difference in this society and it is only going to get worse.  The only solution is to limit our internet use to 2-4 hours a day maximum and consider seceding from the union.

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